This is my vase. It's an extra not yet in the glade kilm. It's 3 inches by 7 inches. I glassed it with light blue and dark blue.
This is my plate it was stolen and then found that's why it's late and not yet in the kilm. It is about 8 inches in diameter by 1 inch. I made it smooth and simple.
This is an ash tray for my grandma. I think every grandma needs one of these;) but it is yellow because it was in the kilm over the whole break. It broke in the kilm but I'm going to cement it. It is 3inches by 6 inches.
This week I made a bowl a pitcher and a stand for my bowl to go onto. On Friday I managed to break my pitcher and my bowl stand in one day.. It was a productive week until Friday. Im having issues throwing for some reason. but im sure it will pass on:)